

Welcome to the Activities section

This section is for all Scouts parents and Leaders who wish to know more about the activities Scouts do and what restrictions there are (if any).

Initially the section will have the regular forms and contact details for the activities that the District provides.  As time progresses, I will develop more content to cove the more specialised activities that are run by specific clubs such as caving and canoeing.  If you have an activity that you would like included, please get in touch providing as much detail as possible.  I will then get back to you to discuss how we can add to the website.

If any visitor to the site has any questions regarding activities, what we do, how we do it or can we do it – please contact me via the activities email address.

Robert (Bob) Cooper

ADC Activities

Permission Forms

The District have teams that can offer Archery, Rifle Shooting and Tomahawk Throwing. To participate in these, all participants should have a completed Permission Form. Download it below:

BWDS – Combined Activity Consent Form.pdf

Pages in the Activities Section