
Scout Brand Information

To help you move your Group or Section towards the new Scout Branding, please refer to the main Brand Guidelines which can be downloaded below.

There are also some key items shown below to help you however full details and access to downloads is through the main Scouts Brand Centre at

Brand Guides

The Guidelines

This document from Scouts details how to use the new brand along with some examples of it in use. Please refer to this for the key information you need.

Brand Guidelines

Activation Guide

This gives you an introduction to the brand and how to start using it in your Group and Sections.

Download the Brand Fonts here

Our Fonts

Nunito Sans is the offical Brand Font. You can download it here but please refer to the Brand Guidelines for how best to apply it.

Download the Brand Fonts here

Brand Colours

The brand colours shown here should be used in conjuction with the Brand Guidelines which gives more detail of how they should be used and combined.
Scouts Purple

RGB r116 g20 b220
CMYK c72 m80 y0 k0
Pantone Violet C
HEX #7413dc
Thread YJB506

Scout Teal

RGB r0 g167 b148
CMYK c74 m0 y45 k0
Pantone 3275 C
HEX #00a794
Thread YHG725


RGB r255 g255 b255
CMYK c0 m0 y0 k0
Pantone n/a
HEX #ffffff
Thread White


RGB r0 g0 b0
CMYK c0 m0 y0 k100
Pantone Process Black C
HEX #000000
Thread Black

Scouts Red

RGB r226 g46 b18
CMYK c0 m90 y100 k0
Pantone Red 032 C
HEX #e22e12
Thread YHG125

Scouts Pink

RGB r255 g180 b229
CMYK c2 m30 y0 k0
Pantone 183 C
HEX #ffb4e5
Thread YHG113

Scouts Green

RGB r35 g169 b80
CMYK c75 m0 y91 k0
Pantone 347 C
HEX #23a950
Thread YHG741

Scouts Navy

RGB r0 g58 b130
CMYK c100 m88 y12 k0
Pantone 294 C
HEX #003982
Thread YHG328

Scouts Blue

RGB r0 g110 b224
CMYK c95 m35 y0 k0
Pantone 285 C
HEX #006ddf
Thread YHG334

Scouts Yellow

RGB r255 g230 b39
CMYK c0 m6 y90 k0
Pantone 108 C
HEX #ffe627
Thread YHG207

Scout Section Green

RGB r0 g72 b81
CMYK c97 m21 y33 k73
Pantone 316 C
HEX #004851
Thread YJB613


Scout Section Green should not be used in materials for any other section.