District Camp 2016
Letters and Forms
Public letters and forms
The following downloads are public and include the letters and forms required for the camp
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Leader Letter
This is the letter to leaders with details from the Organisers. It is only available to logged in Users:
[useyourdrive dir=”0B3yEpyjYW2juYkRNM2hoWFUzTms” mode=”files” viewrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest” showfolders=”0″ filesize=”0″ filelayout=”list” downloadrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest” search=”0″ roottext=”District Camp 2016 – Leader Letters”]
General Information
Camp Information Documents
[useyourdrive dir=”0B3yEpyjYW2juVUwtUVloUl9lZ1U” mode=”files” viewrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest” filesize=”0″ filelayout=”list” downloadrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest” searchfrom=”selectedroot” roottext=”District Camp 2016 – Leader Information”]
Update: 11th December 2015
Leader Letter updated with revised dates.
Update: 30th November 2015
As presented at the District Leaders Meeting, please see ‘Camp Presentation 1’ in the file browser above.
Previous Details
Following a bit of chasing and networking we have almost all the district on board for the proposed camp at Ferny Crofts 17/18/19 June 2016. Thanks to all for your support.
The next steps
- Sue Eastick is arranging for the deposit cheque to be paid to Ferny Crofts – £3,000. Once paid we are committed – no going back!
- We are confirming to Ferny Crofts that we are going ahead and wish to have the use of the WHOLE site and ALL activities for the weekend of 17/18/19 June 2016.
From here on
- Sue Eastick and I are willing to be the figureheads and POC for the District and liaise with Ferny Crofts.
- We need that support you promised in accepting the event. Please decide who from your group/section is going to be part of the organising committee and pass names with contact details to Sue E – sue.cubs@tiscali.co.uk or cubs@basingstokewestscouts.org.uk. They will be our POC for information into your groups and section.
- Start thinking and planning how to achieve transportation of your kit and persons to Ferny Crofts.
- There is limited parking and we will struggle to park every leaders car in the space available.
- Whilst access is not a problem; there is not room for 500+ cars to drop of youngsters.
- Attend District leaders meetings where Sue and I will give updates.
- Keep an eye on BWDS website where we hope to set up a District Camp page.
- Start talking to your parents
Our thanks to you all for supporting this major District event; Please keep that support going to make the event successful.
If you think that one of your team might not have received this mail please forward it on and ask them to register with bulletin@basingstokewestscouts.org.uk for all district news and information direct to their mailbox.
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General Information
If you require access to the letter to leaders or further information about the camp please login or register Note: Registrations are manually checked and verified so will not be immediate.
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