
Beavers Scouts

Welcome to Basingstoke West District Beaver Scouts. We are one of the youngest sections of the Scouting Movement starting from 5 ¾ years. We aim to build confidence, achieve different experience and build long lasting friendships as Beavers move through their Scouting journey.

We have fun at a local and county level. Weekly meetings consist of games, badge work, visits and outings, walks, crafts and making friends. Termly the Beavers may experience a joint meeting with another Beaver colony or Cub pack and a District run activity. Over a year the Beavers may get a chance of a sleepover, group camps and adventurous activities, all before they are 8 years old.

We currently have 15 Colonies (groups) of Beavers throughout our District and each colony offering a high standard of Beaver Scouting. Waiting lists operate at all colonies but if space becomes available at another colony, we will try and get you into Beaver Scouting.

Leaders and Occasional Helpers are essential to the running of any section, so we are always welcome tp offers of help. If you would like more info on Beaver Scouting, please get in contact on [email protected].