
Adult Appointments

As we learn more about Compass, Basingstoke West are going to use the following system:

Application Process

There is an editable version of the Adult Information Form which is used for all Adults in Scouting.  The Applicant can be sent the form (by email) and once fully completed it is to be sent by email to the Appointments Secretary at [email protected] .  Only if the applicant does not have access to email can a form be printed, completed and sent to the Appointments Secretary.  The Appointments Secretary will enter the applicant onto Compass and notify the GSL of the Group who will initiate the DBS request.

DBS Process

(before starting GSLs must have registered on Compass and DBS website)

To start the process GSLs will need to go into Compass and bring up the record of the applicant.  Go to the personal details and click Edit – click “next” until you see a box “request a DBS disclosure” – click on it.  This will take you through to the DBS website and you will need to login.  If you have the applicant with you then follow Option 1.  If not, then follow Option 2 which requires an email be sent to the applicant so that they can log in (on a temporary username & password) and input the details from the required documents (1 from each section).  Verification is then required by the requester (GSL) with the applicant present – you must see the original documents used.  The system will tell you when you have completed the request  which will then be processed.

NB:  You must log out of the database not just shut down your browser.

Additional Information:

  • 1 document required from each section.
  • The document from Section 3 must be dated within the last 3 months.
  • National Insurance Number is required during the process.
  • Any previous names need to be entered during the process.
  • How long you have lived at your present address is also required plus previous addresses if less than 5 years at current address


Sue Cooper
Appointments Secretary, Basingstoke West